BlackBerry and Apple

August 31st, 2007

Idly musing on a holiday journey a couple of years back I asked my 8 year old companion did he know what each of an iPod and a Blackberry were. He passed on the first but for the second, ventured…. “A berry that’s black?” Trying again this year, a bit of a holiday ritual this, for the first I got “a noise machine” and for the second, “a noise machine with buttons”. Oh so true this month as the BlackBerry kept alpha types fidgetting their lifeline to the office through the market turmoil.

I’m betting that what builds a brand more than anything is that it does what it says it will do with striking reliability. Attributes and brand marketing aside, when all is said and done, we only really fall in love with products that we cannot, just cannot, once initiated, do without. But neither the iPod nor the BlackBerry are making it onto Business Week’s list of Best Global Brands (though Apple does so at number 12). Hard to fathom how some of the stuffier perceived financial services firms come out ahead.

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